Upcoming AS Music School Events

AS Music School have plenty of internal and external Music Events going on right now in Sheffield. See below for more information.

Upcoming Events

Here are the upcoming events at AS Music School;



Our charity auction ended on the 1st December. Thank you for everyone who took part and for all the money raised towards such a great cause https://pactfriends.co.uk/



Our latest Instagram Live concert will be on Friday 3rd December at 7pmMake sure you log in for another great show and to give our students your support.


GREYSTONES GIGOur first live event since the lockdowns is taking place on 5th December at 1.00pm. At the Greystones Pub. It’s a great pub and venue and of course the gig will be amazing too! Please tell your friends and come along to give your support. Our students deserve a positive crowd to play to. https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/as-music-school



In the big room at AS Music School on the following dates;

Wednesday 15th December 5:30pm-6:00pm

Saturday 18th December 10:30am-11:00am



10th December is Christmas jumper day, please feel free to wear a festive jumper to your lessons.



Our last day of teaching is 21st December 2021 and we reopen on 5th January 2022. We hope you all have a great time off (and keep practicing) and we’ll look forward to seeing you in the new year.


Thank you for your enquiry.

We always respond to all enquiries within one working day, please email info@asmusicschool.com if you don’t receive a response.

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Scarborough Fair

Are you going to Scarborough Fair?…. Or anywhere else this Summer?

It’s getting near the end of the school year for us now and everyone is looking forward to enjoying some sunshine and relaxation.

We are pleased to announce our latest collaborative video project, Scarborough Fair, which this time features a number of our adult students. Thank you to everyone who took part in making this lovely online “event” possible and I hope you’ll share it with all of your friends and loved ones.



In place of our coffee morning we’re going to hold a raffle for Macmillan to be drawn on 19th October. There will be a number of prizes including some pretty amazing L’Oreal products. See our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/annesheehanmusicschool/ for more details of the prizes.

Tickets are £2.00 per strip available by email or to buy on reception when staffed.

To buy your tickets by email send your request to info@asmusicschool.com. On receipt we’ll send you a secure payment link and following payment you’ll receive a list of your ticket numbers. Either way it’s super easy so please help us raise much needed funds for Macmillan by supporting this raffle generously.

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