Monday Night Is Music Night

and more news at AS Music School.
We’re very excited to announce our events for this term and we look forward to as many of you as possible joining in as many of them as possible. There’s something for everyone here including an amazing opportunity for us to hold our biggest event ever, even though we may still be in lockdown mode! Just remember
MONDAY NIGHT IS MUSIC NIGHT and you can’t go wrong!
Monday 4th May 7.00pm
First up we have our amazing
This will be held on Monday 4th May on Zoom and will be hosted by our smiliest of tutors, Marie. Part one is from 7.00-7.30, there’ll be a 15 minute break for refreshments ( but no cheating!) and part two is from 7.45-8.15. It’s definitely a quiz for EVERYONE…. so we’d love all the family to team up and take part but you’re equally welcome to enter on your own or as a couple…. the only rule is, no searching for answers on your phone!

The zoom meeting codes for this quiz are (Part 1) and

Monday 11th May 7.00pm
This will take place the following Monday, 11th May starting at 7.00pm and will be run by Karl. The tutors have already been scouting for talent and we’ve a list of ready and willing performers but we’re always happy to have more so get your name down now! The concert is open to anyone who’d like to perform a live solo on any instrument or voice, any level. Covers or originals and all styles and genres will be very welcome. If you would like to take part please contact your tutor, we will then send you the information you will need to perform on the night. To join the audience you need to follow our page on Instagram (@a_s_music_school) and look out for the live symbol on the top of our page at 7:00pm on the 11th. We will make the page private on the night of the performance so please make sure you and any family or friends who would like to watch the concert follow the page before the 11th May, the performance can only be viewed by people who follow our page.
Monday 18th May 7.00pm
We’re also very keen to receive self recorded videos from all of you, (soloists, groups or bands are all welcome), performing a complete performance of any piece of music of your choice. We will then be posting these videos throughout the week commencing 18th May.
To get your video played on our social media outlets during this week commencing please send it to your tutor by Whatsapp/ iMessage prior to the 18th May.
Rolling Programme Of Events
With your help we aim to be rolling out these entertainments whilst ever the lockdown lasts, and hopefully once we’re back at the music school too.
….. But there’s more! In lieu of our big summer gig we are proud to present our
This mass participation event is going to be prepared over a 4 week period and is open to everyone, all ages, instruments, voices etc as long as you’re able to learn to play the song! Your tutor will be able to give you all the details soon so you can start to prepare your part. We’re aiming for as many of our students to join in as possible because unlike our usual gigs, this time there’s no limit on numbers! The chosen song is the classic Ben E King’s “Stand By Me”. The aim at the end of the 4 weeks is for us to create a huge video montage of the song performed by as many students of AS Music School as possible. We have the technology ( we think!), we have the talent ( we know!)….. so stand by for instructions and let’s get making music.
We’re currently submitting exam entries for the summer session with a provisional date of July 5th ( and possibly overflowing onto 4th) We’re hoping for a live exam session at the music school but there’s a fallback plan to enter for Recorded Exams or postpone if the live session is not able to go ahead. If you’ve not already discussed doing your grades with your tutor please get in touch with them soon because the closing date for entries is 7th May 2020.
Band Classes are up and running again, weekly from 1st May and we’ve promised some exciting live sessions for each band in our Big Room once it’s safe to gig again.
The Musico App is going down really well with our students…. here’s a sample of the feedback we’ve received.
“Musico is really cool. I love that I can ask my tutor questions in between the lessons.”

“Our tutor puts the work up on Musico really fast so we can see right away what we need to work on for the next week.”

“As a parent Ive really benefited from is being able to actually hear what the pieces should sound like whilst at home.  So I can know what they are aiming for.  It means they or me  can help correct  by ear as well as by reading the notes.”

“It helps me to know what the piece should sound and I like that I can slow it down and play along with it whilst I’m learning.”

“It makes me want to practise more! This way I know what  the notes  should sound like and it sounds like a tune and then I really  want to learn it.”

If you’ve not made use of your free trial yet then it’s definitely recommended.