July Update

It’s been another exciting week at the music school with lots more familiar faces coming back for real live lessons.

Our online presence was also highlighted by Monday’s Instagram Live Concert which was a hotbed of talent if ever there was one!

Thanks so much to you all for entertaining us in such style and thanks to Karl for putting it all together so expertly too.

Don’t miss out on the next one…




Put your name down NOW!



Thanks for all the recordings and videos you’ve sent in for the Stand By Me project.

We’ve had a great response which makes it all the more exciting.

Andrew is super busy now using all his creative and technical expertise, not to mention a few touches of magic thrown into the mix. We can’t wait to see how it’s going to turn out!

I’ve heard a few sneak previews of some of the recording mixes and it’s already sounding magnificent. The story board and ideas for the video are so inventive too. This project is going to be a first for AS and I hope it will also be the first of many more to follow.

Watch this space for news of the finished project.



Debra and Charlotte have started their maternity leaves and we wish them all the best in the exciting times to come.

We’ll keep you posted with their news.



The music school is open for face to face and online lessons until the end of August 17th. For direct debit payers who reach their full lesson allocation before this date please let us know if you’d like some extra lessons as we have some great bargain bundles available.

We’ll be closed after 17th August, ( with a few exceptions possible this year in which case you’ll be contacted individually by your tutor) and we reopen for the new school year on TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 1st.

From September we’re aiming to teach all of our lessons, both 1-2-1 and groups from the music school so please make sure of your September lesson time before we break for the holidays.

We’ll be contacting all groups nearer the time with full details.

In the meantime, thank you for staying safe and respecting the crucial health and safety guidelines at the school, thanks also for your continued support online and best wishes from us all for a healthy and relaxing summer.

Enjoy Making Music Safely at AS Music School